Tuesday, April 21, 2009

udated pictures.



almost due.

Wow, its been a long journey but now were only a couple of days of being parents! How exciting huh? Yes it is, at least for us. God, we are both extreamly excited and happy. I still can't seem to believe that in only a couple of days im going to have my son in my arms. I clearly remember how I felt at the begining of my pregnancy. I felt as if it would take for ever. For some reason my pregnancy just felt to go by extreamly SLOW. It was like when I see a friend or relative there pregnancy's go so fast and in the blink of an eye they have there little ones in there arms. But for me it went slow, only until I reach the part where he began to move. After that whoa, it rushed! When we least expected it we were at 38 weeks. Currently Im only 13 days away from my due date, but I have an appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully Dr.Muylart gives me the answer I want to hear. Something like " Mrs.E were inducing you today" or "Mrs.E your induction date is ?(somewhere near)" lol. I sound so eager huh? Well Im not going to lie, I kind of am. Im really really dieing to se Alexis for the first time. Both Fabian & I are ready for you my little blessing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

update on life

so fabian and i live together now. =]

Monday, June 30, 2008


omg so im really proud of myself. i love my life and i love the stage its at right now. 2 weeks ago i had 2 quinceaneras i photographed and last weekend i did a wedding. =] yay! im so gladd of wat im doing i have a babtism on saturday and hopefully another quince next weekend. idk but ether way im so glad all i need to do now is save money for my own camera b/c right now im working with this guy and im using his camera. he's acutally being real nice b/c he doesnt charge me anything to use it and stuff so yah. but thanx god for blessing me with this chance.im not taking it for granted. i love this moment =)
